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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Salvation Army International Scout And Guide Camp 2002 - International Market

This video was filmed at the Salvation Army UK Territories International Scout And Guide Camp 2002 (ISGC 2002) at Skreens Park, Essex in the United Kingdom.
The Camp was attended by around 1000 people from countries all over the world. They took part in acitivities including Rafting, Hiking, Archery, Swimming, Bowling, Visiting London, Quad Bikes and many more.
In this video you get a tour around the international market. The markets are a tradition of the Salvation Army Scout and Guide Camps. Each group on the camp has a stall and produces something to sell to others at the market. The money raised is donated to the chosen charity for the camp.
In 2006 the Salvation Army's International Scout and Guide camp will be hosted in the Netherlands.

Jesus Camp Trailer

This is a trailer for the new documentary Jesus Camp

JESUS CAMP: The Campers

Directors Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady (The Boys of Baraka) discuss their documentary JESUS CAMP, which follows Levi, Rachael, and Tory, to ... all » Pastor Becky Fischer's "Kids on Fire" summer camp in Devil's Lake, North Dakota, where kids as young as 6 years-old are taught to become dedicated Christian soldiers in "God's army." The film follows these children at camp as they hone their "prophetic gifts" and are schooled in how to "take back America for Christ." Opening across the country.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Halloween, Right or Wrong? You Decide

Halloween, Right or Wrong? You Decide

"Thou hast multiplied the nation, and not increased the joy: they joy before thee
according to the joy in harvest, and as men rejoice when they divide the spoil."
~Isaiah 9:3~

Evening friends. Many of you may not agree with my entry but I have to put in my 2 cents here. I do not beleive or celebrate halloween and I never allowed my children to either. We did get pumpkins and cook the seeds and would eat them and we made pumpkin cakes and bars. We had apples and would dip them in yummy creations. I had major conviction over hallowwen as a christian years ago. We thank God for his harvest and bounty during october. I did alot of studing at that time and I decided it would not be a day we celebrate as Gods children. What do you think Jesus would say at celebrating a pagon/celtic holiday? A day of which evil spirits were beleived to roam the earth so people dressed up as goblins, witchs etc so the spirits did not bother them. They had bomb fires and put candles out to ward off the spirits. I'm not judgeing any of you for your beleifs or acts. I'm just giving my opinion. Read the link below and you decide for yourself if its right or not. Do not be deceived friends. And we are to train up our children right in the Lord. ~Blessings~

Click here: The Halloween Deception

"There be four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise:
The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer;
The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks;
The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands;
The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings' palaces."
~Proverbs 30:24-28~


bullet "I think we ought to close Halloween down. Do you want your children to dress up as witches? The Druids used to dress up like this when they were doing human sacrifice...[The children] are acting out Satanic rituals and participating in it, and don't even realize it."--Pat Robertson, "The 700 Club," 1982-OCT-29

Evangelical Christian beliefs about Halloween:

Most conservative Christians correctly link together present-day Halloween celebrations, ancient Celtic Paganism, and modern Neopaganism. However, many go further and link these practices with Satanism. 10 Some examples:

bullet A Christian Broadcasting Network essay: "Every act around Halloween is in honor of false gods, which are spirits in the realm of the Satanic. Thus, Halloween is seen primarily as a Satanic holiday." 6

bullet Albert Dager: "Children...shouldn't have anything to do with the celebration that glorifies the power of God's enemies." 11

bullet William Schnoebelen, "...the difference between witchcraft or Wicca and satanism is actually non-existent." 12

bullet David L Brown, "modern day witches and Satanists still worship demon gods & goddesses, practice bizarre & immoral sexual rituals, and certain groups offer animal and human sacrifices." 13

bullet David L Brown, "Though witches like to make a distinction between themselves and Satanists, there really is NO DISTINCTION biblically speaking...but the power behind Satanism and Witchcraft is the same-Satan... and his demonic hoards." 13

bullet Christian Youth Alliance, "Satan loves Halloween because it glamorizes the powers of darkness, drawing little kids into his realm. And it is paying off, witchcraft is exploding among teens today." 14

bullet Light the Night is an Evangelical Christian outreach to evangelize trick-or-treaters. The sponsors note that Halloween night is "an excellent opportunity to take back ground in which the enemy has controlled for too long."

(The webmaster clarified that the "enemy" being referred to here is Satan) They say that by "...allowing our 'light' to shine on a very dark night, it is a very simple way to combat that darkness with the love of Christ." 17

horizontal rule


Halloween (hăl'əwēn', häl') , Oct. 31, the eve of All Saints' Day, observed with traditional games and customs. The word comes from medieval England's All Hallows' eve (Old Eng. hallow=“saint”). However, many of these customs predate Christianity, going back to Celtic practices associated with Nov. 1—the beginning of winter and the Celtic new year. Witches and other evil spirits were believed to roam the earth on this evening, playing tricks on human beings to mark the season of diminishing sunlight. Bonfires were lit, offerings were made of dainty foods and sweets, and people would disguise themselves as one of the roaming spirits, to avoid demonic persecution. Survivals of these early practices can be found in countries of Celtic influence today, such as the United States where children go from door to door in costumes demanding “trick or treat.”

The practice of carving jack-o'-lantern goes back to the Irish legend of Jack, a lazy but shrewd farmer who tricked the Devil into a tree, then refused to let the Devil down unless the Devil agreed to never let Jack into Hell. The Devil agreed. When Jack died, he was too sinful to be allowed into Heaven, but the Devil wouldn't let him into Hell. So, Jack carved out one of his turnips, put a candle inside it, and began endlessly wandering the Earth for a resting place. He was known as Jack of the Lantern, or Jack-O'-Lantern.

Written by angelrose2u . (Link to this entry)

Sunday, September 04, 2005

GOD Bless Those Affected by Katrina

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Vacation Bible School

Friday, July 29, 2005

GOD's Love and Blessings are Eternal

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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

There is a beautiful website I just have to share with everyone:

Sunday, July 17, 2005

To All The Wonderful People Envolved in Vacation BIBLE School this year:
This journal is dedicated to you!!!
Please, leave comments!
AND if you have photos you would like to share...
just email them to me at:
I will place them in the journal as well!
GOD Bless You, Everybody!
In JESUS' love and service

.....Mrs. Cammie

Monday, July 11, 2005

time to go in, April leads the way

"let me see,let me see!"

games are fun

Matt helps out

Mrs. Barbara, April, and the pre-k's having fun

outdoor fun

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Sivonni, Hayley, and Sibohan work on their flower pots




Ryan works on his souvenir

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Turn To GOD

Children proudly display their hand crafted souvenirs.


Crafts and Souvenirs

Friday, July 08, 2005

Little Joseph